Fortnite vs. PUBG Which Battle Royale Game Reigns Supreme

August 20, 2021

Fortnite vs. PUBG : Which Battle Royale Game Reigns Supreme

Battle Royale gaming is still one of the most popular forms of gaming today. It has been on an upswing since the 2010s, with PUBG and Fortnite being the leading gaming titles in the said genre. The two games have a considerable fan base, but which one among them is better?

To determine which of the two games is better, we have decided to compare both the games in several key aspects. Our observations are purely data-driven, and we will steer clear of biased opinions.


When it comes to popularity, Fortnite definitely takes the cake. According to the Newzoo global games market report, Fortnite had approximately 78 million monthly active users and made over $1.8 billion in revenue in 2019, while PUBG had about 24 million monthly active users and $1 billion in revenue.


Graphics are an essential aspect of any battle royale game, and both Fortnite and PUBG have rich and impressive graphic designs. However, Fortnite's cartoonish aesthetic has a unique appeal to its players, making it stand out when compared to PUBG's more realistic graphics. So if you like a more lighthearted and fun-looking game, Fortnite would be a perfect match, while if you prefer a more realistic look, PUBG would be your go-to.


Fortnite and PUBG have different gameplay styles. Fortnite's gameplay usually involves building structures and maps to defend yourself against opponents, making it more strategy-centric. PUBG's gameplay, on the other hand, involves more realistic shooting and survival skills. In terms of gameplay, both are exceptional games, and it boils down to a matter of preference.


The maps in both games are large and expansive, with varying terrains and wilderness. PUBG's maps are more realistic and challenging, whereas Fortnite's maps have a more colorful and vibrant appeal. Both games frequently update their maps and introduce newer ones, thereby keeping the game fresh and exciting.


Both games feature an extensive collection of weapons, including pistols, rifles, and snipers. However, the weapons in PUBG are more authentic and realistic, whereas Fortnite's weapons are more cartoonish and less true to life. It's worth noting that, in Fortnite, there are weapons that come in epic and legendary versions, with varying special abilities that can cause massive damages to opponents.


To conclude, both Fortnite and PUBG have their outstanding qualities, making them exceptional games. Fortnite may have a more significant fan base, more revenue, and be available on more platforms, but PUBG delivers a more realistic experience with its graphics, weapons, and gameplay.

Ultimately, the game you would choose comes down to your preferences, but if you're looking for graphics and game style that's fun and lighthearted, Fortnite is for you. If you're more interested in a realistic shooting game, with a more challenging gameplay, then you should consider downloading PUBG.


  • Newzoo global games market report, source.

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